08 July 2024

New ERA Report: The Railway Safety and Interoperability in the EU

We are happy to share that ERA launched the 2024 Flagship Report, which focused on safety, interoperability and environmental impact.

The ‘Railway Safety and Interoperability in the EU’ report presents ERTMS as a ground-breaking initiative, aimed at replacing legacy Train Protection Systems (TPSs) and harmonising fragmented railway safety systems across Europe.

Here's a snapshot of the key findings:

  • Interoperability and Efficiency: ERTMS transforms European railways into a seamless interoperable network by enhancing operational efficiency, capacity and safety.
  • Core Network Deployment: By the end of 2023, ERTMS deployment on the Core Network Corridors (CNCs) has achieved 15% for the European Train Control System (ETCS) and, 61% for the Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R). Including ongoing projects, 39% of CNCs are either equipped or under construction.
  • Ambitious Targets: The European Commission aims to equip the entire Core TEN-T network with ERTMS by 2030, the Extended Core network by 2040, and the Comprehensive network by 2050. Significant progress has been made on the Rhine–Alpine and Baltic–Adriatic corridors, yet substantial efforts are still required to meet these targets.
  • On-Board Equipment: The deployment of ERTMS on tractive vehicles is crucial for compatibility. By the end of 2022, over 13,700 vehicles in the EU-27, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK were contracted for ERTMS, with Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium leading in the number of operational ERTMS-equipped vehicles.
  • Investment and Costs: The costs of trackside ETCS installation have varied, with significant investments under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) calls. Ongoing competition among suppliers and economies of scale are expected to reduce costs over time.
  • Looking Ahead: To achieve the 2030 target, a greater push is needed to accelerate both trackside and on-board ERTMS deployment. Enhanced technical specifications and increased sector experience will play a crucial role.


You can read the full report here