Can I increase the number of trains on my line?
Can I run an ERTMS equipped train on my current network?
Can you upgrade from one ERTMS level to another?
Do I have to pay a fee to use the ERTMS logo?
This depends. Organisations which have no “commercial” interest in ERTMS, such as newspapers, NGOs, or railways, are normally not asked to pay a fee. However, if you are a supplier of ERTMS products, you will be asked to pay a certain amount of money – which is used to finance the legal protection of the logo and the related communications.
Does the EC continue to support the introduction of ERTMS and how?
ERTMS – What is it?
The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is a European cab-based signalling and train control system that offers significant capacity and performance benefits, as well as further enhancing safety beyond the capability of legacy ATP systems.
How can changes to the specification be introduced?
How critical is ERTMS to Corridor A – Rotterdam to Genova and for the other 5 identified critical corridors?
How do I cope with national specific requirements with a standard European product?
How does ERTMS work?
ERTMS consists of three primary components: ETCS (European Train Control System), ATO (Automatic Train Operation), and RMR (Railway Mobile Radio), which facilitate communication between trains and traffic control centres using GSM-R/FRMCS.
How has the specification been generated and developed?When did it start?
I am a supplier of ERTMS products, but not a member of UNISIG. Am I allowed to use the logo?
Specific criteria will apply, such as the ability to deliver ERTMS-compliant products – please see enclosed Code of Conduct for more information. In any case, you should first establish contact with the UNIFE Secretariat.
Is it really possible to take away the track-side light signals?
May I pick up the ERTMS logo from loc.ertmsnew and use it in my communications material?
Not unless you are allowed to do so by UNIFE. The ERTMS logo is protected and legally registered, both in Europe and abroad. Any unauthorized use will be strictly monitored by UNIFE, and abuses will be punished.
As a first step, you should therefore contact UNIFE and sign where appropriate a license agreement (see below).
One of the main benefits for ERTMS look at increasing capacity. Potentially what is this increase in capacity?
What are the commercial advantages achieved from introducing ERTMS?
What are the objectives of the ERTMS logo?
The objectives and purposes of the ERTMS logo are defined as follows:
- To demonstrate the commitment both technically and financially of like-minded and capable, World Class signalling companies to introduce ERTMS standard products and systems on a Global and interoperable basis.
- To generate within the Licensed Users group a sense of responsibility and ownership in the manner of use of the logo and a sense of joint responsibility for the correct use, protection and advancement of the logo in the world market by all Licensed users.
- To promote the introduction or extension of ERTMS technology into a market location by a recognised ERTMS supplier.
- To provide confidence to non-implementers of ERTMS technology that positive deployment of ERTMS into their national rail development plans for both infrastructure and onboard applications will be technically and commercially beneficial.
What different levels of ETCS are there?
What involvement does the EC have in extending the introduction of ERTMS? Corridors, freight, new EC accession territories
What is the action plan to introduce ERTMS? Who else needs to be involved or to participate?
What is the safety case for ERTMS?
ERTMS works as a safe monitoring system, continuously supervising the speed of each train according to track and train data. If the actual train speed exceeds the permitted data, brakes are applied automatically. This ensures the train will be stopped in front of the danger point.
This, coupled with the flexibility of ERTMS which can be applied to low-density as well as to high-density lines, is particularly important for countries where ATP systems are not yet widely deployed.
What level of implementation has now been achieved? E.g Length of track commissioned or committed, numbers of vehicles commissioned or committed?
What longer term national benefits can be expected following ERTMS implementation? E.g employment, environmental, economical
What other infrastructure improvements need to made at the same time to achieve optimised operational performance?
Who controls the specification standards and maintains all aspects for interoperability?
Who has sponsored the development of the standards and the specifications?
Who is allowed to use the ERTMS logo?
UNIFE is the owner of the ERTMS logo and uses it in its ERTMS-related communications. In addition, the UNISIG suppliers – full members and associated – have participated (both in terms of workforce and financially) to its creations and signed a license agreement with UNIFE.
In addition to UNIFE, the ERTMS Code of conduct lists four categories of users:
- UNISIG full & Associated members;
- Non-UNISIG ERTMS products’ suppliers;
- Non-for-profit organizations, public institutions or companies which are not “suppliers” of ERTMS products, such as railways;
- Other organizations, such as newspapers or railway magazines.
- Depending on the category, different rules apply, but regardless of their statutes, stakeholders interested in using the logo must first sign a license agreement with UNIFE before using the logo.
Why is ERTMS it needed?
Why is the ERTMS logo legally protected?
Just like any product’s logo, there was a need to avoid misuses. This would for example be caused by companies claiming to have ERTMS-compliant products when this is not the case, third parties selling low quality, unreliable material that could damage ERTMS’ image, etc.
Why should the rail industry invest in ERTMS?
* Significant capacity improvements
* Performance and reliability benefits
* Enhanced safety beyond the capability of legacy ATP systems.
* Reduced life cycle cost of operating the railways
* Compliant with European Interoperability Legislation
Please see the full list of advantages in the benefits section of the website.